Three Tips for Your Cold Email Campaign

If you have a great product but don’t know how to sell it, don’t worry, you are not alone.

Not everybody is an experienced salesperson. Or maybe you just don’t like being pushy. Understandable. If you have a great product, you may think people should come to you, not the other way around. Or, if they only knew what this product or service could do for them, they would buy it in a heartbeat.

So how do you get people to understand that? How do you convince your prospects to give you a chance, listen to your pitch? Especially in today’s fast-paced world.

Here are some tips for your cold email campaign that will help you get through to your potential customers.

Be short and straightforward

Cold emails that get the most responses are usually the ones that are just a few sentences long and require only ONE course of action from a prospect.

Make it easy for your prospects to read and understand your email. Keep in mind, for most of the people on your list, this is the first time they hear about or from you. They need to quickly understand why you are reaching out and what do you want from them.

If an average prospect devotes roughly 7 seconds to read your email, whatever you want from them has to be there, in those seven seconds. Sometimes it means asking them to reply with a simple yes or no, or giving them three simple options.

From our experience, the highest reply rates come from the emails that ask for only one thing. For example, you can ask them to put you in touch with the right person at their company who is in charge of X. That way, you got your foot in the door, and the prospect who is most likely not interested in your sales pitch, feels comfortable referring you to somebody else. When it comes to that other person, you now have a warmer approach by saying, “Hi John, I was referred by your colleague, Jenny Smith.” That way, you already have some credibility in their eyes because their colleague thought it would be worth their time to connect with you.

This approach is particularly effective if you have a big list. You want to make sure you are reaching out the right person, so start by asking who is the right person in their organization to talk to about X.

Offer value

In your emails, you don't want be pushy or salesy or beat around the bush, for that matter. You want to offer a value, something tangible that is more than what your prospect expected from you at this point.

To offer something of value to your prospect, you have to know what they want or need, or have a vague idea of why that person would want your product. That brings us to tip number three - personalize.


Personal information, like first and last name, title, and company name, are the least of information you need to know about your prospect. We all know that. "Hi, Bob." sounds absolutely better than generic "Hi, there."

Always (if possible) address them by their first name because it just sounds friendlier. People like hearing their own name, and it shows effort, it makes them feel like they aren't just another name on the list. Mention their company name in the body of your email as well, and include title if needed for your personalized approach. For example:

Hi, John (first name).

Since you are a Digital Marketing Coordinator (title) at ProSales Connection (company), would you be interested in a platform that connects LinkedIn, Woodpecker, and Vanilla Soft in a single, user-friendly application (value)?

It’s short, personalized, and offers the actual product or value in only one sentence.

Next, do your research. If you have a product to sell, don't think of it in the way of what could your product do for the person you are trying to sell it to - think of it as what could the prospect do for their organization if they had your product. Instead of saying “My product can save you time and money”, say “YOU can save your company time and money by using this product”. Let them be the hero.

Give a straight-up example of how they can be a hero by either giving them social proof of your previous clients that used it (you don’t have to mention their name if your client is not comfortable with it, but use real numbers and statistics), or by telling them exactly how the product will satisfy their particular needs.

With social proof, you get credibility, a tangible proof that somebody else, who can vouch for you, used your product and saw great results. If you go with the product approach, however, you have to be on point as much as possible so they can relate. You want them to say, “Oh wow, that is EXACTLY the problem that I have now, and this product will help me solve it, just like it helped this other company who might be my competitor? Ok, I’ll at least listen to what this person has to say.” And now you have your foot in the door.

Also, flatter them a bit, but know where to draw the line. Tell them why you are reaching out to them, what you love about them, why you are interested in their company. Make them feel like you handpicked them instead of just being another name on your giant list.

And there you have it - three simple tips that will transform your cold email strategy.

If you still need some help, reach out to us and schedule a short call to learn what ProSales Connection can do for you!

Dora Fredenburg

Hailing from Croatia, Dora is best known in the office for her deadly side-eye, her love of Instagram dogs, and her relentless pursuit to help her clients grow faster in a way that is both sustainable and good for their customers.

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